The Region?
While there’s some debate as to what borders define The Region, one thing most folks agree on is that there’s something about northwest Indiana that makes it a little different than the rest of the world. Maybe it’s the close proximity to the midwest’s de facto capital. You know, the city that borders us but seems to forget we exist. Maybe it’s the skyline of towering steel mills and oil refineries that one encounters when entering The Region for the first time. Maybe it’s the unexpected beauty of the “third coast” shoreline and parks that remain virtually unscathed despite the growth and collapse of industry. Camping, birdwatching, even surfing, just miles from industrial wasteland, and … Michael Jackson’s boyhood home! Maybe it’s a history rich in controversial characters from the Jacksons to Dillinger. Or the fact that a small town like Munster might just be home to the best independent brewery in the country. Or maybe it’s knowing that Ralphie beat the crap out of Scut Farkus right here in our own back yard. The Region is special. And this is its story.
So what’s a Rambler?
If a ramble is defined as a walk without a definite route, taken merely for pleasure, then you can get a pretty good idea of who we are and what we’re up to. We’re not real sure about the destination, we just figured the journey would be its own reward. And living in The Region makes for one hell of a journey—if you’re willing to give it a chance. So forget what you think you know and join us we ramble on…

Jan 19 @ 15:00p.m.
Well, the Region has had SOME snow. How much more do you think we will get this winter?
Jan 01 @ 20:39p.m.
Happy New Year! Our calendar will be updated for 2012 shortly. If you would like your event on our calendar, let us know!
Dec 21 @ 18:48p.m.
Hard to believe the Rambler has been rambling for over a year now. Someone really ought to shut 'em up. Thanks to our amazing staff of crazy people for being so dedicated. And thanks to all of you out there taking the time to follow our whims. Happy holidays to all and to all a good night.
Nov 29 @ 12:23p.m.
The holidays are upon us like a lion on a gazelle. Season’s Greetings!
Oct 18 @ 21:44p.m.
Local producer and director Paul Nelson, known for such documentaries as “Twist on Tradition: The Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra”, “Haunts & Legends of Indiana: Vol. 1”, “Dyer, IN: Roots, Reflections and the Road Ahead” and “Greeting from Cedar Lake” will have his newest documentary, “Brotherhood of Bags; Cornholing America” airing at 8:30pm, Thursday the 20th on Lakeshore Public Television. Check it out!
Oct 07 @ 00:53a.m.
As of September 25th, the Region Rambler became one year old... Happy Birthday to us!
Sep 09 @ 18:08p.m.
School has started in the Region. Slow down in the school zones and watch for children!
Aug 02 @ 11:34a.m.
You know you're on Facebook too much when you go to click "LIKE" on a Ramble. Duh!