- October 13, 2012
- Hometown Heroes
- May 11, 2012
- The Surfaholics
- January 16, 2012
- A man's home is his castle
- January 1, 2012
- Ramblin' Rec: Unsalted
- November 8, 2011
- Push-button expressionism
- September 20, 2011
- A swap meet for the creative set
- June 16, 2011
- Swivel your hips to this
- January 10, 2011
- A Turf of Their Own
- December 3, 2010
- The Gift That Keeps On Giving
- November 28, 2010
- Movement Over Matter
- November 27, 2010
- Bon Voyage, 18th Century
- October 12, 2010
- Rising Above the Everyday
- September 22, 2010
- Here Be Monsters!
- September 22, 2010
- A Sixth Sense For Investigation
- September 22, 2010
- Strum Together!
- September 22, 2010
- Gettin' Stoked for Winter!
- September 22, 2010
- Back to 2300 Jackson St.

Jan 19 @ 15:00p.m.
Well, the Region has had SOME snow. How much more do you think we will get this winter?
Jan 01 @ 20:39p.m.
Happy New Year! Our calendar will be updated for 2012 shortly. If you would like your event on our calendar, let us know!
Dec 21 @ 18:48p.m.
Hard to believe the Rambler has been rambling for over a year now. Someone really ought to shut 'em up. Thanks to our amazing staff of crazy people for being so dedicated. And thanks to all of you out there taking the time to follow our whims. Happy holidays to all and to all a good night.
Nov 29 @ 12:23p.m.
The holidays are upon us like a lion on a gazelle. Season’s Greetings!
Oct 18 @ 21:44p.m.
Local producer and director Paul Nelson, known for such documentaries as “Twist on Tradition: The Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra”, “Haunts & Legends of Indiana: Vol. 1”, “Dyer, IN: Roots, Reflections and the Road Ahead” and “Greeting from Cedar Lake” will have his newest documentary, “Brotherhood of Bags; Cornholing America” airing at 8:30pm, Thursday the 20th on Lakeshore Public Television. Check it out!
Oct 07 @ 00:53a.m.
As of September 25th, the Region Rambler became one year old... Happy Birthday to us!
Sep 09 @ 18:08p.m.
School has started in the Region. Slow down in the school zones and watch for children!
Aug 02 @ 11:34a.m.
You know you're on Facebook too much when you go to click "LIKE" on a Ramble. Duh!
Jul 30 @ 18:10p.m.
Nothing quite says summer in the Region like Nomad Planets at Pierogi Fest playing a polka medley of Zeppelin classics. Brilliant. Last night was a treat, and now it's on to Beatles Fest in downtown Hammond to see Bunkertown and Josh McCormack give the fab four hell.
Jul 04 @ 20:18p.m.
Have a happy and safe 4th of July!
Jun 22 @ 23:09p.m.
Today, June 22nd, was the 83rd Anniversary of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus train wreck that took place here in the Region, which resulted in roughly 86 deaths and 127 injuries. We will be featuring a story on this tragedy in it in the near future.
Jun 11 @ 11:08a.m.
It's summer time. What to do? I know... I'll check the Region Rambler calendar!
Jun 04 @ 13:25p.m.
Tonight is one hell of a hootenany in the Region for those who are musically inclined: The Surfaholics at The Zombie Club in Crown Point, Nomad Planets at Beer Geeks in Schererville, and our old friend Steve Munoz at Finnegan's in Dyer. What's a guy to do? Guess I gotta do 'em all.
Apr 06 @ 12:22p.m.
Thanks again to Kara L. Dokupil of Lowell for our March photo of the month, "Toss Me a Piece of Candy Mister” shot at the Lowell Labor Day Parade, 2010! Thanks also to Amanda O'Donnell of Merrillville for sharing her photo of Chloe with us for April's photo. Please keep sending us your shots from around The Region!
Mar 24 @ 09:08a.m.
Is headed to Paul Henry's Art Gallery in Hammond for some accoustic music tonight, around 7ish. Who's in? If not today, they have it every Thursday!
Mar 19 @ 13:21p.m.
I had a great time at the Maple Tapping located at Deep River County Park! Got myself some syrup and maple candy.
Mar 13 @ 12:00p.m.
…is participating in the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. I'm having my head shaved to stand in solidarity with kids fighting cancer, but more importantly, to raise money to find cures. If you or anyone you may know wish to become a sponsor please visit my site at http://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/participantid/447224 The event will be held on Sunday, March 20th 1 pm at The Quest Eatery & Spirits 204 West Lincoln Highway Schererville, IN 46375 Come out and show your support! Thank you!
Mar 02 @ 23:04p.m.
Get ready... Maple Tapping is this month at Deep River County Park. Check out our calender for details!
Feb 19 @ 19:09p.m.
Impromptu gathering of Ramblers tonight at Beer Geeks in Highland. A little conversation, a lengthly beer list, and some rock 'n' roll from our friends Nomad Planets should make for a nice night. Join us…
Feb 14 @ 21:43p.m.
Okay, my 4 for Valentines… Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits - Magnetic Fields. Mr. Superlove - The Afghan Whigs. In The Wee Small Hours - Frank Sinatra. Skulls - The Misfits.
Feb 14 @ 18:01p.m.
A quick 4 for Valentine's Day... 1. Guns N Roses- Think About You 2. The Murmaids- Popsicles and Icicles 3. Petula Clark- Call Me 4. Astrud Gilberto- So Nice (Summer Samba)
Feb 10 @ 19:10p.m.
Loves that the office building across from the fountain on Hohman Avenue in Hammond (same building as Blue Room Cafe) has an old fashioned elevator, complete with an elevator attendant on staff. I kind of felt like I was in the movie Thoroughly Modern Millie and thought I might have to begin tap dancing to get the thing going.
Jan 26 @ 23:15p.m.
Hey Region! Thursday night, January 27th, will be a great night. Plenty to do… There will be the opening reception for Sophia Rapata: Surreal Vision of the Human Growth Curve at The Blue Room Café, 5246 Hohman Avenue Hammond, IN from 4 pm to 6:30 pm. Nearby, Paul Henry's Art Gallery will be hosting the Acoustic Jam/Potluck located at 416 Sibley Street Hammond, IN 7-10:30pm… More of Sophia Rapata’s work will be displayed there. Or from 7 pm to 9 pm you can come to the Mellow Brew Cheesecake House, 1060 Joliet Street (Route 30) in Dyer, IN for the Socrates Café discussion group. I’ll be at the Surreal Vision of the Human Growth Curve ealy and then facilitating the Socrates Café. If time allows I will head to Paul Henry’s Art Gallery to catch the last of the Acoustic Jam. It's going to be a great night... Hope to see some Regionites there!
Jan 18 @ 19:27p.m.
There are words in a lovely Sarah Harmer song that remind me of my dereliction of duty: "I haven't even walked my block since I moved out here years ago." I moved in late December, and I keep meaning to take a walk around the neighborhood. It's an eye opener, truly, the small things you pick up on when you take a walk somewhere instead of buzzing past in your car.
Jan 06 @ 07:49a.m.
...is headed to the Paul Henry’s Art Gallery tonight for the 17TH ACOUSTIC JAM/OPEN TABLE POTLUCK, 7 pm – 11 pm. $5.00 to get in, $3.00 if you bring something for the potluck. Come and see some of the great talent the Region has to offer! This event is held every Thursday night, so if you can’t make it tonight there is always next week and the week after that and the week after that and the week after that…. For directions or more info, please call 219-678-5015 Paul Henry’s Art Gallery 416 Sibley Street Hammond, IN
Jan 04 @ 18:55p.m.
Local libraries have a decent selection of movies to rent...
Jan 04 @ 18:44p.m.
Mmm... I think Three Floyds might have the best grilled cheese sandwich in The Region. Their beer ain't too bad either. Time for a nap.
Jan 02 @ 16:07p.m.
Ha ha! Mr. Leather said ,"Snazzy."
Jan 02 @ 01:56a.m.
With a New Year comes new content … or at least some content that had been unavailable due to technical difficulties. Check out Mike Lukich’s latest installment of Goodwill Hunting in the Spare Parts section. And have a snazzy New Year!
Jan 01 @ 13:07p.m.
has posted some new events in the calendar. Check them out!
Jan 01 @ 12:19p.m.
Happy New Year!
Jan 01 @ 12:19p.m.
is working on some new articles for the website. Stay tuned....
Dec 04 @ 12:57p.m.
The one thing that is keeping the snow from getting me down today is knowing that Mark Anderson was gracious enough to give The Rambler a drawing worthy of the New Yorker. Check it out and read all about Flying Aorund the Sun. Thanks Mark, you made my day.
Dec 03 @ 23:46p.m.
Thanks again Mark Anderson for the beautiful illustration you did for the Flying Around the Sun interview!
Dec 03 @ 18:53p.m.
I can see my breath. I have to run my car idle for longer than five seconds to vanquish the frost. There's no turning back now. Winter is settling in, kicking up its feet and asking for a beer. Aside from the frozen nostril hairs, the biting wind and the Slip 'N' Slide roads that are to come, I, errr, don't mind it. We live in a place where seasons change. Noticeably change. Bare limbs stretch across a crisp blue sky. Blankets of snow silence the night. The land is drained of color. The starkness -- is beautiful.
Nov 30 @ 18:54p.m.
Bought groceries about a week ago from the Produce Depot in Dyer. It's in the old Jewel building across from St. Margaret Mercy. Loads of produce, including organic, and friendly people. For $15, I netted loads of veggies. Fiber! Phytochemicals! Let's give it up for photosynthesis! Ah, I feel a few years have been tacked on to my life. More time for the bucket list.
Nov 18 @ 20:36p.m.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Visit the YOU page and tell us what YOU think are the best Thanksgiving Day foods.
Nov 04 @ 19:58p.m.
Please enjoy our November Photo of the Month by Jennifer Cannedy of Dyer, IN. Please keep sending us your photos for your chance to have your work featured on our front page. Photos received by November 15 will be considered for the December Photo of the Month. Also, I apologize for the late posting of the November photo, we hit a technical snag.
Nov 04 @ 08:32a.m.
NW Indiana is sending some of its top musical talent to the Abbey Pub tonight. If you're in Chicago tonight check out Lynxwail and Josh McCormack. I'll be there.
Oct 26 @ 16:40p.m.
Come in costume to the Mellow Brew Halloween Bash, Saturday October 30th, 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm. There will be snacks, games, horror films, prize for best costume, and at 8:00 I will be giving a Paranormal Presentation! Mellow Brew Cheesecake House is located at 1060 Joliet Street (route 30) in Dyer.
Oct 26 @ 16:33p.m.
Tune into WJOB, 1230 AM from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm, for the Hey Harlow radio show on Thursday, October 28th. I’ll be on air, talking about ghost hunting and investigating the paranormal!
Oct 23 @ 11:07a.m.
, Paul Benninghoff, Paul Benninghoff... Seriously, who does this guy think he is!?
Oct 21 @ 10:34a.m.
will be attending the 7TH FULL ACOUSTIC JAM/OPEN TABLE POTLUCK tonight and every Thursday night at the Paul Henry Gallery, 7:00pm – 11:00pm. It's a great time! Bring food for the potluck and get $2 off of the $5 cover charge. Paul Henry's Art Gallery 416 Sibley Hammond, IN For more information you can call the gallery (219) 678-5015
Oct 19 @ 16:58p.m.
recommends the Ann Singer: a Tribute exhibit at the Steeple Gallery, on display now through November 31st. For gallery hours and location visit http://thesteeplegallery.com
Oct 18 @ 21:34p.m.
is busy writing at a local coffee shop. "Tappettytappettytap", goes the laptop.
Oct 17 @ 19:15p.m.
A very annoying need for a new washer and drier resulted in a very pleasant shopping experience at Tom's Maytag in downtown Highland. Their prices were comparable, or better if you include their warranty, than the big guys, and if they break, I know I can call them and speak with a real live human being to get them fixed. That alone makes it worthwhile. Shop local small businesses folks!
Oct 12 @ 12:17p.m.
The Region Rambler is now on Twitter! Be the first to know when new stories are posted to the site. http://twitter.com/RegionRambler
Oct 09 @ 23:02p.m.
Inspiring performances tonight at the Local Music Showcase hosted by John Carpenter at the Towle Theatre. The Region is really lucky to have so much talent.
Oct 09 @ 00:38a.m.
had a great time at the Conway Observatory. The people were great. I saw stars and planets and moons and comets and satellites and nebulas....
Oct 08 @ 00:07a.m.
The Conway Observatory, just southeast of Lowell, is open to the public Friday the 8th and Saturday the 9th of October, 8:00pm – 11:00pm. I plan to be there Friday. Here is their website for more information if anyone wants to go. http://casonline.org/Conway-Observatory.html
Oct 07 @ 20:46p.m.
Settling down to listen to my favorite local radio show. Tune into 1230 AM WJOB to listen to Flying Around the Sun tonight for an interview with the amazing John Carpenter.
Oct 05 @ 19:12p.m.
The Ramblers are meeting in their secret lair, plotting their next scheme.
Oct 05 @ 18:31p.m.
Tom Kha Goong soup from Exotic Thai Cuisine = temporary relief from this nasty cold. The thai fried rice was quite good too. Check 'em out!
Oct 02 @ 14:57p.m.
I'm looking for bands to submit their music, preferably instrumental, for use in videos I'm working on that will be posted to the site. Contact me at rodjeckrich@regionrambler.com
Oct 01 @ 17:46p.m.
Hey folks, send us your photos! Photos received by October 15 will be considered for the November 1 Photo of the Month. Not only will you have your photo posted on the front page of the Region Rambler for the month of November, this month we will also send the winner a Region Rambler t-shirt.
Sep 29 @ 19:22p.m.
Less than a week since our launch and already we have our first submission for a music review. And you know what? It rules. May take a week or two to find the time to write a review, but Black Wyrm Seed is in rotation.
Sep 27 @ 23:15p.m.
And so the first round of bug fixes begins...
Sep 27 @ 07:46a.m.
We’re so excited about this site we can hardly contain ourselves. And there’s far more to come so keep following. What we need now is your feedback. How does it look? Are you finding what you’re looking for? What are we missing? Do you have suggestions? Send them to us at feedback@regionrambler.com. It may take us a little while to respond or to get all the bugs worked out, but your feedback will not be ignored. We can promise that much. Thanks for visiting.
Sep 26 @ 02:18a.m.
Just got home from the Region Rambler site launch party. Great time, amazing performers! Thanks to everyone that helped make it happen. Sleep...