Portage graveyard gives final resting place to boats
December 21, 2011
My girlfriend informed me of something about Northwest Indiana that I couldn’t quite understand. The Region has a boat graveyard.
It was something I decided to see for myself.
You can catch a glimpse of it from a stretch of Interstate 80/94 in Portage. Unfortunately, it’s not open to the public—the property is private—but I shot footage there so others would be able to experience it.
Turns out a junkyard for boats and ships is pretty common. Such places exist in other parts of the world. A graveyard consists of land or water where scrapped boats or pieces of them are allowed to rot.
While walking around the abandoned boats with wild weeds growing out of them, I didn’t find it to be much different from an actual graveyard. These boats had seen better summer days, and I wondered how some of them had wound up at such a spot.
A gentleman, who inquired about my presence, told me people can buy pieces of the boats but nobody ever has asked about them.
Knowing the boat graveyard lurks a click or two away from the expressway, I definitely will try to keep an eye out for it whenever I'm in that neck of the woods.